Travellers shall be in the obligation to
declare to Customs the items importation of which is regulated
or those items intended to be permanently imported.
Travellers shall not be allowed to introduce
into the country articles the importation of which is expressly
Tourists and Travellers have the right to import:know
Personal belongings which are to be admitted into
the country with total relief of Customs duties.
In general it is understood that the term personal
belongings includes items - wether new or used - that a traveller
could reasonably require for personal use for the duration of the
trip taking into consideration all the circumstances of the voyage
and its intermediate stops. It excludes any goods imported or exported
with commercial or definitive purposes.
Except for the underaged - new or used articles
which are not part of his/her personal belongings and valued
up to a total of $250.00 (two hundred) Cuban Pesos.
On arrival - import all or part of his/her personal belongings
as non accompanied luggage;
With relief from the payment of duties and taxes - import
up to 10 kg of medicines in original packagings and readily
Import up to one hundred (100.00) Cuban pesos in national
currency, and up to two hundred (200.00) Pesos of the instrument
of payment designated Convertible Peso;
Import without limit any amount of free convertible currency
in cash, bankers orders, cheques, drafts or other means
of payment. However, in the case of Non-Residents in the
country, should the import exceed the amount of five thousand
dollars (US$ 5000.00) and under the intention of subsequently
exporting a higher amount than the said five thousand dollars,
the traveler should lodge a Declaration of Values at the
Customs Office of the point of entry in order to justify
the amount intended to export on departure;
Import jewels and other objects made of precious metals
and stones. However, in the case of Non-Residents in the
country, should the overall value of the imported items
exceeds five thousand dollars (US$ 5000.00) and under the
intention of subsequently exporting a higher amount than
the said five thousand dollars, the traveler should lodge
a Declaration of Values at the Customs Office of the point
of entry in order to justify the value intended to export
on departure;
Persons arriving in Cuba as tourists shall be subject
to the same general regulations applicable to the rest of travelers.
Cuba is a signatory country to the Convention on
Customs Facilities for Tourism and Cuban national legislation complies
with stipulations of the said Convention. For Customs purposes the
term "Tourist" applies to persons not permanently residing in the
country, regardless of their nastionality, who enter the national
territory for purposes of pleasure, business, health, pilgrimage,
sports, etc., for a period of over 24 hours and under 6 months.
Tourists are entitled to import as personal belongings
items described as such in the text of the afore mentioned Convention
on Customs Facilities for Tourism, which will be admitted into the
country as a "temporary admission" with total relief of the payment
of Customs taxes. This items must be re-exported on departure of
the tourist. Tourists are entitled to temporarily import a light
motor vehicle for a period of up to 30 days and extendable for another
30 days on request.
Tourists are also entitled to definitively import
- apart from their personal belongings - new or used articles with
an overall value of $250.00 (two hundred and fifty) Pesos. Up to
an amount of $ 50.00 (fifty) Pesos, the said items shall not be
subject to the payment of Customs taxes. The remaining value - up
to the stablished limit of $250.00 (two hundred and fifty) - shall
be subject to the payment of Customs taxes equal to 100% (one hundred
percent) of their value.
Permanet residents in the country shall be subject
to the same general regulations applicable to the rest of travelers
and must declare regulated or prohibited articles they carry or
are part of their personal belongings.
In adittion to the personal belongings temporarily
exported when they departed the country, permanent residents shall
be entitled to definitively import - on one ocassion in every natural
year - new or used articles with a maximun overall value of $250.00
(two hundred and fifty) Pesos. Up to an amount of $ 50.00 (fifty)
Pesos, the said items shall not be subject to the payment of Customs
taxes. The remaining value - up to the stablished limit of $250.00
(two hundred and fifty) - shall be subject to the payment of Customs
taxes equal to 100% (one hundred percent) of their value.
Permanent residents in the country returning after
the fulfillment of an official assignment abroad for a period of
more than 2 (two) years shall be entitled to import their ménage.
Persons arriving in order to permanently reside in the contry: know
Persons arriving in Cuba with an authorization
to permanently reside in the country shall be subject to the
same general stipulations than the rest of the travelers,
and must declare regulated or prohibited articles they carry
or are part of their personal belongings.
However, these persons
are authorized to import their ménages (furnitures, household
appliances, etc.) and for this purpose they shall have to produce
in Customs the document - issued by the Direction of Inmigration
and Foreigners Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior - stating
their migration condition.
Persons arriving in order to temporarily reside in the country: know
Persons arriving in Cuba with authorization to
temporarily reside in the country shall be subject to the same general
stipulations than the rest of the travelers, and must declare regulated
or prohibited articles they carry or are part of their personal
Depending on the motives for their stay in Cuba
they could - in some cases - be entitled to import one light automotive
These persons shall be entitled to import their
ménage as long in the event of their having leased or bought a real
estate from any of the Real-Estate Agencies authorized to operate
in the country.